You just joined the 1 in 8 sisterhood of women who get breast cancer. Before you head down your treatment road, here are five steps I discovered helped me mentally and financially.
To make your looming cancer journey a little less threatening now’s the time to compare this trip with something in your past that was initially unfamiliar but you quickly adjusted to. Maybe a new job or going to college far from home. For me, it was summer camp.
There are similarities between the way you felt as a kid when you got dropped off at summer camp the first time and the way you’ll feel entering a cancer center as a patient for that first appointment. Just like camp, you’ll be out of your comfort zone, make new friends, sometimes cry late at night, be embarrassed, disoriented, be required to do different things and have different things done to you. As a kid, you probably asked some of the older girls in the hood about what to expect at camp.
Consider me an older girl in the hood and this post an idea of what to expect at “cancer camp.” In addition to the five steps to get you started, here’s a link to exactly what I went through day by day in treatment. I’ve tried to be as complete as possible of the treatment post to help you feel more comfortable about you may be facing. That makes the entire story a long post. You can read the journey here when you are ready. Right now, I suggest looking over this list of things and actions that helped me most. [Read more…]