One of my Jazzercise instructors loves to make fun of me because I like to camp. Just wait until she hears that last weekend, my husband took me camping in Texas for Valentine’s. So sad she hasn’t discovered this vital escape technique. The more hectic your life and the world is, the more you need to go camping. It gives you breathing room essential to revive you. And in my experience, absolutely no other vacation every does it so thoroughly.
It doesn’t matter whether you camp in a tent or a trailer or whether it has been decades between your camping moments or you go every month. Sleeping and eating in nature will unplug you in a way that luxury hotels or cruises can’t deliver. Just be open to the moment, like my friend Joyce Doyle. Read about her recent and long-ago camp experiences, and I guarantee that you will be on the Texas Parks and Wildlife site this weekend.
Tent camping with daughter
“Mommy, I have to go to the bathroom.” Through my barely awake stupor, I tried unsuccessfully to stifle a groan.
“Are you sure you can’t wait?” I whispered. After hearing the response I knew was coming, I began to move out of the comfort of the warm sleeping bag and reached for a flashlight. We found shoes and threw a jacket over our pajamas, trying not to wake the rest of the family. Slipping out of the tent, I noticed that the night was cool but not too unpleasant. [Read more…]