Commit right now begin living big and bold by growing your adventure outlook. It doesn’t necessarily take time, money or courage. You do need an open heart and mind to respond to those nudges we usually choose to ignore.
You can practice by getting comfortable with discomfort. Sit on the other side of the conference table at work, take a seat across the aisle and up front at church or stand somewhere else during your workout. Build up that mental muscle to slap down your inner voice when it says something like, “You’re going to do WHAT?!” Then start using these five steps to grow your adventure outlook. I guarantee you interesting travels!
1. Take suggestions from anywhere
My father left my brother and me two pieces of desert land that we paid a pittance of tax on every year. Each year when I wrote those checks, I wondered about these places. One late night, I saw a old movie filmed in one of the places, Deming, New Mexico . On impulse we booked a flight to El Paso, rented a convertible and took a road trip to see our holdings. We discovered outlaws, Native Americans battles and first use of military aviation along with deeper insight into my dad, who passed along his adventure outlook along with my blue eyes.