How the man got lost at Buc-ee’s
I bet you’re thinking: “How irresponsible to let an easily confused oldster roam without supervision.” [Read more…]

Be a traveler, not a tourist. Dig deeper, learn more.
I bet you’re thinking: “How irresponsible to let an easily confused oldster roam without supervision.” [Read more…]
Port Aransas has mostly recovered after the worst hurricane season in U.S. history. I was down on the island recently and did a little scouting. Based on that visit, it’s time to put out an update with five ways to do Port Aransas right… a year after Hurricane Harvey.
Sadly, some beloved spaces are only sweet memories. Yet other hangouts seem comfortably the same with just a little evidence of storm-related upgrades. Like when your grandma changes her lipstick color. And the Key West of Texas vibe is still strong. [Read more…]
Want more proof that we live in one of the most diverse states in the US? Professional rugby in Texas, in the very shapely form of founding Major League Rugby’s Houston SaberCats, broke ground on a brand new stadium. Already I’m hoping for a ladies’ night promotion, pitting the Houston firefighters featured in the calendar against these SaberCat players.
I know nothing about rugby except the action looks a bit like football. Also the players dress in form-fitting shorts and don’t wear pads and helmets. And rugby players go almost non-stop for 80 minutes. My biggest complaint with American Football has always been boredom. I could have knitted a scarf during all the no-play time. [Read more…]
“And if the music ain’t good, well it’s just too bad….We’re gonna sing along no matter what.
Because the dancers don’t mind at the New Orleans….If you tip ’em and they make a cut”– Scissor Sisters – Take Your Mama Out
I’m on my way back to Texas for the last few days of my Road Trip 2018. After driving 1,300 miles by myself, I’ve lured my adult kids to meet me here with a promise to show them 3 ways to do New Orleans right! Then I’ll have their company on the last 350 miles back to Houston.
Day 1 of this 2018 road trip was a nine-hour drive across 3 ½ states to end the day with a haunting discovery in Marianna Florida. Day 2-5 was spent with distant family in the small town of Perry, in the Big Bend and Mud Flats of Florida. Now I’m headed back home with this stop in New Orleans to celebrate a safe trip. [Read more…]
“Going to the woods is going home, for I suppose we came from the woods originally.”
John Muir – Father of our national parks
No matter how far you grow up from the places your parents were raised, those unfamiliar places still form part of who you are. The mud flats and big bend of Florida are in my DNA, courtesy of my dad. Time to find out what blame or praise they get for the person I have become.
If, like me, you were raised in a nomadic family, you know what I mean. Only spending weeks at a time with your extended kinfolk doesn’t tell you much. Even less so if most of those visits happened when you were a kid. Face it, when you are a kid, it is all about stirring up mischief and having fun. [Read more…]